Reverence for the Eucharist Video Series

Project host:

Diocese of Grand Rapids

Project description:

Recently, I shared a project completed by a West Catholic High School senior just prior to graduation this year widely with all schools and parishes across the Diocese of Grand Rapids. The project was so inspiring and of high quality, I’d love to share it with the Cardinal Newman Society as part of this task force for Eucharistic Education. West Catholic High School is also a member of the Cardinal Newman Society Catholic Education Honor Roll.

As part of this year’s Reverence for the Eucharist Awareness Week at West Catholic High School, graduating senior Caleb Haskell debuted a series of videos he created to help students learn more about the Eucharist. This was not a class project, it was not for a grade, and it was not part of any other school program; it simply was something he felt inspired to do while praying before the Blessed Sacrament in the school chapel following a Kiros retreat that he had helped to lead. Caleb spent most of a year planning, developing questions, setting up interviews, video recording, editing, and finalizing the videos to be used by his schoolmates during West Catholic’s Reverence for the Eucharist Awareness Week that was implemented this year during the week of March 21-25, 2022.

The series of three, 5-6 minute videos are inspiring and informative. I have encouraged our parishes and schools to use them widely, perhaps leading up to the solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi in June) and I’ve highly recommended them to our schools over the course of the next two years of Eucharistic Revival leading up to the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis in July of 2024.

Bishop Walkowiak, Fr. Dominic Couturier, Fr. Rob Mulderink, and West Catholic Student from the Priestly Discernment Group Jonathan Jenson, present the content in such a clear and attractive way. It’d be a shame not to share these as widely as possible. They are as good as any I’ve seen.

I’ve discussed with Caleb the sharing of these videos widely. He gave his wholehearted permission to use them as we see fit. He was happy to have them shared in any way we may be inspired to share them, and is so happy to see this message getting out.

The videos can be accessed at the West Catholic High School Website on the Reverance for the Eucharist Video Series Page. The three videos are entitled:

1. What Do Catholics Actually Believe About the Eucharist?
2. The Word Made Flesh
3. The Proper Response

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