Our young people need better catechesis and better Catholic education – which, when done well, is the Catholic Church’s primary and most effective means of evangelization.
The Cardinal Newman Society has observed many exciting examples of Eucharistic education through reverent liturgy, adoration, and prayer. Some schools sponsor scholas for sacred music. Some colleges organize Eucharistic processions of students and faculty. Teachers and homeschoolers are sharing the truth of the Real Presence, not only by their instruction but also by their witness and reverent participation in Mass and Eucharistic adoration.
To promote such activities, in support of the U.S. Bishop’s Eucharistic Revival, The Cardinal Newman Society has established the Task Force for Eucharistic Education.
We are working to identify, solicit, and promote inspiring efforts by Catholic schools, colleges, homeschool programs, and individual educators and students that advance one or more of the objectives toward a revival of Eucharistic literacy, Eucharistic liturgy, Eucharistic devotion, and Eucharistic living among young people.
Check out some of the projects and resources that have already been submitted to the Task Force. We invite you to Join the task force and submit projects and resources to our website.

U.S. Bishops’ Eucharistic Revival
The U.S. Catholic bishops are sponsoring a three-year Eucharistic Revival effort.