Engage Hearts And Minds To Eucharist For Daily Living – Part 2 – Peer Ministry Program

Project host:

Academy of Our Lady

Project description:

Our school has an existing Peer Ministry program, open to 12th grade students, which has a before school year retreat to promote peer to peer ministry leadership on our campus. Peer ministers are selected by application and interview, meeting requirements of service with pastor recommendation. This year, elements of this program focus on Eucharistic education and include:

– Peer Ministers given the book, Becoming Eucharistic People | Ave Maria Press during class lessons to prepare themselves to lead their peers in this mission.

– Peer Minsters are teaming up with “Catholic Women in Action” to promote Eucharistic events both to the student body and community.

– The newly formed Peer Minster Jr. Club, open to 8th – 12 grade, to support and help with ongoing projects and also to brainstorm and create new ones.

– The program reaches out to local parish priests to aid in our campus mission. One donated books for education and offered suggestions that he can assist, another gave us links and help with creating the Eucharistic Miracle displays as well as advice on engaging both heart and mind of our young people, and many have volunteered to help wherever we need.

– Priest invitations to classroom lessons focused on Eucharist and the True Presence.

– Peer ministers host retreats/talks for the local Catholic grammar schools.

Project state:


Project website:
