The Catholic Theology Show: Audio Series on the Eucharist

Project host:

The Catholic Theology Show: Audio Series on the Eucharist

Project description:

The Catholic Theology Show is a Catholic podcast presented by Ave Maria University, hosted by the university’s Chair and Professor of Theology, Dr. Michael Dauphinais. The show explores a wide variety of topics, including “the value of a Catholic higher education, religious liberty, how to pray, the philosophies of Thomas Aquinas and more” (from Spotify).

In preparation for the Feast of the Corpus Christi, the university has promoted a number of episodes related to the Eucharist:

1. The Truth of the Eucharist w/ Sr. Albert Marie Surmanski

2. Exodus 90 & The Eucharist | The Path to Freedom w/ Dr. Jared Staudt

3. A Foretaste of Future Glory | Theology of the Sacraments w/ Fr. Romanus Cessario, O.P.

4. The Sacraments | Friendship with Christ w/ Dr. Roger Nutt

5. The Holy Eucharist and St. Thomas Aquinas w/ Dr. Jeffrey Walkey

6. The Holy Eucharist and Sacrifice w/ Dr. Lawrence Feingold
7. The Holy Eucharist and the Gospel of John w/ Fr. Thomas Weinandy, O.F.M. Cap.
8. The Holy Eucharist and the Bible w/ Dr. John Bergsma
9. The Holy Eucharist and the Early Church w/ Msgr. Michael Heintz
10. The Holy Eucharist and the Liturgy w/ Dr. Daniel Lendman