Music of the Eucharist: Moved by Beauty

Project host:

University of Mary

Project description:

The University of Mary is using liturgical music to convert the hearts and minds of the faithful and draw them to Christ. Music has the capacity to help us understand more fully and gratefully, the mystery and truth of our faith.

Each day, Cappella students use their musical gifts and the devotion within their hearts to create beauty in our community. This is Cappella’s particular mission and ministry, deep in the very heart of our Catholic liturgy. It is inspired by the University Ministry patron, St. John Paul II, who, in his Letter to Artists, urged us to craft our music, beauty—as a gift to the world.

They use their time and resources to contribute through music so that others may be drawn more fully into the beauty of the Eucharist. Singing this music in our own university community is certainly a blessing; however, sharing this music outside our community is something that we are called to do. We are eager to go out to all the world and share our love for sacred music and the Eucharist!

Beginning in 2023, Cappella will embark on a two-year project, devoting rehearsal time and resources to record a collection of music that focuses on the Eucharist. This will include chant, antiphons, hymns, and polyphony from a wide range of years and styles.

This collection will feature Eucharistic fervorinos from our University Chaplain, Father Bouck, and Monsignor James Shea (one of the National Eucharistic speakers).

During our spring tour of Spain and France, we plan on singing and recording this music at the sites of Eucharistic miracles (Monserrat and Zaragoza, Spain)

This project was submitted in January 2023. Here is an April 2024 update on the work of the project.

Project state:

North Dakota

Project website: