Project description:
Aquinas College partnered with the diocesan Catholic Schools Office to plan and implement a day-long inservice day for all teachers and principals of the diocese. The purpose of the day was to set teachers on fire for the Eucharist, so that they in turn could bring this love for the Eucharist to their students.
The day was structured as a “Faith Rally,” centered fully on the Eucharist. It began with praise and worship music, which led into the dynamic keynote speaker, who included a variety of anecdotes to keep the teachers’ attention. Following this, small groups, each led by one of the Nashville Dominican sisters from Aquinas, discussed how each individual could grow deeper in his or her devotion to the Eucharist, including practical suggestions and how to bring devotion to the Real Presence into the classroom setting.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was celebrated with all due solemnity by the bishop.
After lunch, all took part in a Eucharistic procession across campus, ending in a Holy Hour. Pastors from the schools represented were invited to come and hear confessions, and almost all were able to do so. As all remained in their places, the priest processed with the monstrance in order to give almost every individual teacher an individual blessing. The day concluded with Benediction.
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