Project description:
We have started weekly Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Fridays. Classes come to the Chapel for thirty minute segments to adore the Eucharist. A Campus Minister gives a different guided prayer (music, Scripture, meditation, etc.) each Friday. The students are learning a variety of ways to pray and adore Jesus in the Eucharist. One night a month, we have Adoration with music open to all high school students in the area. These have grown from 8 students attending to over 50. It is wonderful to see their love for the Eucharist growing. Additionally, we are planning a Eucharistic Procession. We have put it in our Spring Spirit Week and have a group of students working on planning it. Additionally, we pray the Angelus daily, but have recently added having our students bow or genuflect when saying “and dwelt among us” to recognize the divinity of the Incarnation.
All of these have the objective of increasing reverence for the Eucharist in our school. Already, the students are responding well and learning about different forms of prayer in adoration.
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