David Bonagura, Jr. on – “Toward a Eucharistic Education”

Project host:

The Cardinal Newman Society

Project description:

“…Catholic schools, to play their vital role in the Eucharistic revival, should be guiding their students to the Eucharist constantly, every day, in multiple ways. That is, our schools must provide a Eucharistic education.”

David Bonagura, Jr.

The 2023-2024 Cardinal Newman Society fellow for Eucharistic Education, David Bonagura, Jr., recently summarized his upcoming essay on teaching the Eucharist across the curriculum in a recent essay published in The Catholic Thing. In it he briefly steps through what this Eucharist education would look like at the various grade levels and throughout the curriculum.

“The Church draws her life from the Eucharist,” (Ecclesia de Eucharistia) and so should Catholic schools. Read the entire essay here at The Catholic Thing.


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