Project description:
This project collects books and pamphlets which explain the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. They will be gathered from many sources and are updated as new materials become available. The only criteria used in selecting them are: (1) they provide a simple, but accurate explanation and (2) they are books or pamphlets. See here for submitting articles. The books on the Real Presence will be listed at Resources. Please submit useful resources to add to this file to: The subject line should be “Resources for Explaining the Real Presence.”
Printable Mass and Adoration Guides (printed in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese). The Arlington (Virginia) Diocese in preparation for their 50th anniversary in 2024, has compiled a list of printable guides for liturgies and holy hours that would be useful in a school setting.
Prayer Guides for Mass and Eucharistic Adoration These are two booklets, “Come and Rest Awhile” (a guide for preparing for Eucharistic Adoration) and “Life up Your Hearts” (prayers from the heart for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass).
Children Books on the Eucharist The Arlington (Virginia) Diocese, in preparation for the celebration of their 50th anniversary in 2024, has provided a useful compilation of books for elementary age school children on the Eucharist.
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